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Coming Soon: A Visit to Bedlam (or The Lunatyk's Revenge).

Some news for those of you waiting on the next Blandford novel. Yes, I know I left it on a cliffhanger!!! The next two Blandford books are planned for next year, both are sketched out and researched so it should be plain sailing - barring global apocalypse.

I have been having a year off from the series as I wanted to write a novel based on Thomas Becket (available here from my brilliant publisher Sharpe Books), and I am currently writing a Byzantine comedy that has been itching away in my head for a few years. I have no idea what will happen with that but 2020 seems to be a year of finishing off projects that had been left before moving forward with Blandford.

In the meantime, I have been editing a very long story/short novella called A Visit to Bedlam which had a taster in The Emerald Cross. It's too short for normal publication, so I'm going to self publish it at 99p just to cover the costs. It's written in Blandford's hand and does feature him briefly, and for fans of the series there are a number of characters who appear that you have met before. Once it's gone through all the checks it should be available as a kindle e-novella next month.

I do hope you are all staying safe in the difficult times we are all enduring. Keep washing those hands and tell the people you love that you love them. Friends and family (and good books) will always get us through the difficult times!


The Blandford Candy series is published by Sharpe Books and available from AMAZON

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