Review: Conrad Monk and the Great Heathen Army by Edoardo Albert

Edoardo Albert is one of my favourite writers of Historical Fiction. His Northumbrian Thrones trilogy was a highlight of my pandemic and actually got me back reading and writing during a difficult period for everyone. In particular, it was the wonderfully accurate historical detail combined with gripping stories and a real long view of history that grabbed me (My review of Edwin is here).
Conrad Monk is set during the Viking invasion of England at the dawn of the Ninth Century, but this is not just another hack and slash Viking saga of which there are so very many on the market. Our eponymous protagonist is set on a reluctant religious career, which is brought to a brutal end by the arrival of said Vikings burning and pillaging his monastery. This sets up a train of events taking Conrad, and his unfortunate companion Brother Odo, through Anglo-Saxon England as it teeters on the edge of disaster. It is a thrilling and amusing romp that kept me reading late into the night. I actually devoured it in an evening, and if I had a complaint it would be that it’s too short and I want the sequel.
There is so much in this book that appeals to me as a reader and writer. Obviously I am a sucker for humorous bounders recounting their often less than salubrious adventures, but Albert’s grasp of historic detail really elevates Conrad Monk and I felt secure in his portrayal of 8th Century England. The comic elements are truly sparkling and left me genuinely laughing out loud at his snide, self-serving, and sociopathic hero. It was very reminiscent in style of Alfred Duggan’s Conscience of the King from my childhood – one of the most brilliant historical novels of all time for me, especially if you’re interested in King Arthur – and Conrad Monk is certainly one of the best things I have read all year.
I want a sequel!!
Conrad Monk and the Great Heathen Army is available from Amazon and all good retailers.