From Zero to Hero: the conqueror of Rome.
Theodosius Dagisthaeus is one of the triumvirate of expendable protagonists sent to steal the secret of silk from China by the Emperor...

Review: The Witchfinder
OK, in a Venn diagram with people who love comedy, are fixated on the 17th Century, and think that the Gibbons brothers are geniuses (...

Cosmas Indicopleustes: the first flat earther.
Washington Irving is not much remembered today, although most people have heard of Rip Van Winkle, yet it is an historical falsehood that...

OUT NOW! The Charioteer.
My latest novel - a Byzantine comedy based on a true story from Procopius - is out on kindle today from Sharpe Books. Constantinople...

Review: We Are Lady Parts.
It’s not often that I binge watch a whole comedy series these days; it takes something very, very good to keep me entertained for 3 or 4...

Review: The Assassins (Johnny Swift book 1) by ALan Bardos.
I’m not sure how I missed this series initially, but I am glad I have found it now. Alan Bardos has created some hysterical historical...

Review: A Time for Swords by Matthew Harffy.
One of the advantages of writing for a living is publishers and fellow authors often offer up books for review. That also means my tbr...

Review: Edwin; High King of Britain by Edoardo Albert
My TBR list grew exponentially last year without me much whittling it down. With everything going on I had loads of time but little...

Coming Soon: A Visit to Bedlam (or The Lunatyk's Revenge).
Some news for those of you waiting on the next Blandford novel. Yes, I know I left it on a cliffhanger!!! The next two Blandford books...

Review: Of Blood Exhausted.
A lovely review for Book 3 of the Blandford Candy series (Of Blood Exhausted) from Richard Warren at the Oliver Cromwell Association, in...